We're finally approaching the end of 2020 and there's no shortage of award shows or best lists. It's the perfect time to take a breather and take stock of the year that passed to see just how games have evolved in this chaotic year. Riot Games went in an entirely different direction with a year-ender post for their new team shooter, VALORANT. They squashed any debate about the game's best weapon by crowning 2020's deadliest VALORANT weapon. It's welcome news for fans of the Vandal but the other weapons will have to try better next year.


A handful of bullets

The numbers are in and more players executed enemies with the Vandal compared to any other weapon in the game. The Phantom and Spectre come in at second and third place, respectively. The Vandal being crowned 2020's weapon king is no surprise since it was closely modeled after a real-life gun that is insanely popular in other games. The Vandal is likely a reference by some model of a Kalashnikov, or more famously known as the AK.

Players likely gravitated towards the Vandal due to its high damage output but high skill floor. Mastering this deadly weapon is a tough challenge, but the damage payout is more than worth all the effort.

The Vandal is a relatively expensive weapon but it managed to rake in the most kills despite its hefty price tag. Players often debate between the Vandal and the Phantom but the stats clearly lean in favor of the Kalashnikov approximation. The Spectre is the only SMG to make it into the top three deadliest weapons list.

Improvement and development on Valorant is an ongoing process so we could see some changes made to some if-not-all of the weapons in the game. The Vandal is the clear 2020 weapon king but that may not be the case in 2021. However, the Vandal won't remain the game's best gun forever.