Twitch makes it easier now to issue DMCA claims, as a response to demands by industry labels. This change worries Twitch content creators, as it makes their content even more susceptible to takedowns and demonetizations. This issue adds to a growing issue between Twitch and their content creators regarding DMCA takedowns.

Twitch introduces new tools for Twitch users to easily flag content of other users

Twitch streamer Saysera spotted the new tool launched by the platform to help users report other Twitch users. The intended use for the tool is to issue a copyright strike for users who steal users' own content. However, it's very easy to abuse. Twitch users have already been complaining for a long time with regards to how hard it is to counter these claims. DMCA complaints have always disadvantaged the receiving end, with the burden of proof lying on the defending party. It's not all negative, though. The tool also requires the claimant to prove that they actually claim the content.

While this service was meant to be used by Twitch users, it's very easy for companies and labels to create accounts and use the same feature. Now, companies have more ways to file complaints to users, and it's going to be another source of nightmares for streamers and content creators. Now, the extent of their misery will depend on how potent these reports will be. If these reports will automatically halt the earnings of streamers on their content, then it's going to be bad. If it automatically takes down ‘offending' content, then that's also going to be bad. And based on history, it looks like things are heading south.

Of course, we can hope for the best. If this new tool will be strictly regulated by Twitch, then there won't be much of a problem.