At his peak, Kim “Doinb” Tae-sang was considered as one of the best mid laners in the world, and has a World Championship under his belt to prove it. After claiming the World Championship under FunPlus Phoenix, Doinb signed to LNG Esports for the 2022 Season. Unfortunately, LNG was kicked out of the LPL 2022 Spring Playoffs quite early after losing to Top Esports.

Doinb, on his off-days, also like to stream on the Chinese streaming site Bilibili, and possibly may have divulged information about two players from the LPL are headed to the North American region to play in the LCS.

In one of his streams, he says that Anyone's Legend's mid laner Huang “Maple” Yi-tang has agreed to terminate his contract with the team, which was later confirmed by an announcement from Anyone's Legend themselves. Doinb also said that Maple “is possibly going to NA,” along with Zhou “Bo” Yang-bo, FPX's old jungler. Doinb added that “the deal isn't confirmed yet, but I heard it's almost done.”

This isn't the first time that Doinb leaked some “insider” information on his streams. Previously, he talked about his team's scrim results against LCK's T1. In that same stream, he also mentioned how Victory Five, considered as the best team in the LPL, weren't winning much against T1.

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