Three developers are making rounds on social media and image boards thanks to a series of tweets that have made it look like Ubisoft and Guerilla Games developers are bitter over the success Elden Ring is experiencing.

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by inEldenring

It all started with a tweet by Ubisoft UX (User Experience) Director Ahmad Salama, who claimed that “The fact that Elden Ring scored a 97 Metacritic (rating) is proof that reviewers don't give a flaming poop about Game UX. My life is a lie.”

His tweet is replied to by Nixxes Software developer Rebecca Fernandez O'Shea, who added to the list PC Graphics, stability & performance. The trio concerto was capped off by Guerilla Games Senior Quest Designer Blake Rebouche with quest design.

On a separate tweet, Salama doubled down, saying: “Elden Ring's UX is so bad that I can only imagine FromSofts devs smoking at their desks and using CTR monitors.”

Elden Ring and FromSoftware fans were quick to defend the critically-acclaimed game, some even claiming that the three are only “salty” or “bitter” over the success of Elden Ring.

In my opinion, it's fine to criticize Elden Ring, as any form of art and video game are supposed to be held to high standards. However, the way Salama tweeted his opinions, especially the one directed towards the FromSoftware devs, really reeked of jealousy. Reviewers for a long time have actually criticized the UX of open-world games, such as Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Valhalla, for how spoon-feeding they are, and how they tend to clutter mini-maps, choking the fun out of games. I also think that what makes Elden Ring special is its UI (or lack thereof), and its quest design is perfectly fine as well. The vagueness of these two aspects is what adds wonder and mystique to the game, two important factors that make Souls games great. But that's just my opinion, which just so happens to go against theirs.

Meanwhile, O'Shea's comments are more substantiated and grounded on well-documented facts, as the PC version of Elden Ring has been noted to run really poorly by even the most positive reviewers, with graphics not so optimized and gameplay heavily marred by performance issues. As for the other two, it's simply a matter of opinion, which so many people just happen to disagree with.