San Francisco, CA – The 2021-22 NBA season has been very good to the Golden State Warriors. It's been so good that the franchise is off to a 7-1 start. The best start since their record-breaking 73-9 season. People are starting to talk about winning a championship already, but Stephen Curry believes they still have work to do. If anyone knows what it takes to win it all, it's him.

“We’re pretty good. Obviously, have this long homestand, some teams with not great records, but we’re taking care of business, and eventually, you play everybody. So, it’s just a matter of controlling what you can control…I like where we're at right now, ” Curry told ClutchPoints.

It's true the teams the Warriors played so far haven't been the best in the league. But the Los Angeles Lakers, who some consider championship contenders was one of the teams they beat. Even though they are not the team people expect them to be at the end of the year, it's still a quality win.

You should expect an answer like this from Curry at this point. It's too early in the season to say we think we can win it all. You don't want your team to get complacent and think they're going to cruise to the championship. So even if Curry's honest opinion is the Warriors are the best team in the league, you won't hear him say it.

Everyone else who isn't in the locker room can say it because they are 7-1. It's the best record in the NBA and the Warriors will definitely be walking with their heads held high right now. But, as Curry said, there is still lots of work to do.