After weeks and weeks of anticipation, it finally happened: CM Punk marched down to the ring on RAW, picked up a microphone, and made the announcement fans have been hoping for since January.

“Is it great to be alive on a Monday night in Green Bay, Wisconsin, or what? Green Bay. Is the Bay green? My shoes are pink, and I say we stain both of them with the blood of a Scottish Psychopath,” CM Punk declared. “Because I saw my surgeon Saturday night, and he said I’m cleared! And that means we’re gonna fight, and I’m gonna get my pound of flesh. So Drew McIntyre, come get this beating that you deserve!”

Now, for fans out of the know, this is a pretty incredible moment for the WWE Universe, as even if they've done a good job of building up to a match between Punk and Drew McIntyre using interference, backstage beatdowns, and general trickery, it's all been smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that the “Best in the World' has a bum triceps that wasn't healthy enough to work a bloodbath against one of the most dangerous men in professional wrestling right now. With Punk now cleared to wrestle, he, the babyface, will go head-to-head with a performer who has consistently taken Ls at the hand of the “Second City Saint,” with one heck of a receipt coming his way for costing him the WWE Championship on multiple occasions.

And the best part? WWE had the perfect addition to the match that should not only make things interesting in August, but ratchet up the drama for plenty more interesting matches to come.

Seth Rollins adds a visionary element to CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre

After earning a massive pop from the crowd in Wisconsin, CM Punk waited to hear from his rival, with the “Scottish Warrior” answering the call on RAW ahead of their finally cleared contest.

“I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for this. All these times you’ve screwed me over, there’s nothing in the world that’s gonna stop me getting in that ring and tearing you apart! Except the fact that I don’t want to,” Drew McIntyre declared as Punk attempted to charge him.

“Come on come on, Punk. Relax. CM Punk-Drew McIntyre is a lot lot bigger than Green Bay, that’s a big money match. You gotta to learn to chill, control those emotions. Look at me, I’m chilled and relaxed. When I’m emotional, I tend to, you know, turn to family and it just calms me right down.”

Clearly upset with how his show was rapidly falling off the rails, RAW GM Adam Pearce ran out from the back to get things back on track, officially announcing the match, but with a catch that got the crowd hyped.

“Right all right, that is enough, that is enough, that is enough, that is enough. You’ve been back ten minutes, you just can’t help yourself? Punk, what he’s not telling you – hold on, calm down! Calm down. Hold on,” Adam Pearce demanded. “What he’s not telling you is there is a reason you are not fighting tonight. Drew McIntyre is officially reinstated. CM Punk is officially medically cleared. So it is official: CM Punk, Drew McIntyre at SummerSlam. Listen, Punk, listen. What he’s also not telling you – I’m making it clear everybody here tonight – if either one of you so much as lay a finger on one another, the match is off, and whoever throws the first punch is suspended indefinitely, and I’m serious. Cause the chaos has to stop. It’s either these two, it’s Gunther, it’s Priest, I’ve got a problem. I’ve got a big problem. I’ve got a big, referee problem.”

‘Burn it down!' That's right, as the crowd cheered him to the ring, none other than Rollins marched down to formally throw his hat into the ring, only he won't be wrestling at the biggest show of the summer, but instead calling the balls and strikes while wearing a black and white striped shirt.

“Oh yeah, Green Bay, we had ourselves a problem, didn’t we? You see, Drew hates Punk, Punk hates Drew, and you two morons, all of the chaos that you’ve caused over the last year has scared away anybody from getting in-between you,” Seth Rollins declared. “But I’m not a problem guy, Green Bay, I’m a solution guy, and I think I’ve got a little solution. You see, I know a guy who thrives on chaos. And I know a guy who would love nothing more than to put the two of you in your places. He is a visionary. He is a revolutionary. And at SummerSlam, he is your special guest referee. He is Seth- (Freakin’ Rollins).”

Will Rollins really throw on a WWE referee uniform for the match, or will he instead provide his typical flair to the SummerSlam stage, making himself a focal point of an otherwise contentious contest? Either way, it's safe to say this match added a new wrinkle that makes it all the more interesting indeed.