Over his decades and decades in the professional wrestling ring, Shawn Michaels has wrestled some of the best, worst, and most mid-est wrestlers in the business, but who would HBK consider the most underrated? Well, in an interview with The Schmo largely centered around NXT Battleground, the NXT booker was asked that very question and decided to put over two incredibly interesting names from the Attitude Era: Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett.

“I would go back to two matches that I'm pretty proud of. The one with Mankind. Mick and I had a h*ll of a match at Mind Games. It was just a one-shot deal, and it's one of those things where I always think that Mick and I had an opportunity to have a much bigger storyline,” Shawn Michaels told Schmo via Fightful. “We could have done some fantastic things. The other was Jeff Jarrett. Had an Intercontinental Title match with him. Jeff and I always had really good chemistry. Those are two that I think get mentioned, but they don't get brought up in the overall big story standpoint. Those are two that I'm proud of that don't get talked about enough.”

Now, for fans of professional wrestling, it's hard to call either Foley or Double J as underrated due to everything they did in WCW, TNA, on the indies, and beyond, but it's understandable that WWE-only fans might not be as high on the duo as other performers who came up in Vince McMahon's company. Well, if you didn't know how good those performers are, take it from HBK, as his job is literally to find and cultivate talent.

Jeff Jarrett comments on the end of WCW.

Speaking of Jeff Jarrett, the well-traveled veteran recently spent some time on his My World podcast discussing the current hot topic of the IWC, Who Killed WCW?, the new show from Vice. Specifically discussing the Great American Bash 2000, a major moment at the end of the promotion, Jarrett recalled how Hulk Hogan's program with Billy Kidman had high expectations within the promotion but ultimately failed to live up to them like so many other programs before it.

“The first kind of big show that was touring in my mind — and of course ‘Mania, or Rumble came later. But I guess ‘Mania maybe would be one. But right at the same time, and just because the WCW talent, the NWA talent was, we'll call, a part of the territory. The Great American Bash always kind of had a sentimental value to it. We had Stockholm syndrome. It was the culture and environment we were in that, we got paid. We showed up on Nitro and Thunder and pay-per-view, and the house shows were cut back at this point. And we just kind of, ‘Okay, how are we going to make the best of this situation?'” Jeff Jarrett asked via 411 Mania.

“Well at the time, I was mildly amused that I'm like, ‘Okay, Hulk's doing this. What an opportunity for Billy; Billy will sell his ass off.' Billy Kidman, man, he's a hell of a worker. He could fly all around. But the story getting into it, and you could just kind of see real-time that, ‘Oh man, this is as potential.' And then you could just kind of see that the air being led out of it, and ‘Wow, I don't really think this is going to do either guy any good.'

“And obviously now as we look back on it, it was because it was kind of a part of everything else that we've talked about. The silly title switches, the Booker T is GI Bro, and that that just jumped off the page at me. Kanyon in a halo one month, next month he's back. Mike Awesome in the bus. Just kind of the overall vibe of the entire product was in reverse of what it had been. Like. I mean, it was just brutal that it was never — the Hogan/Kidman thing, like so many other things during this timeframe, man, it had some potential. Some folks had high hopes for it. But the reality is it laid an egg like so many others.”

While WCW was not a promotion without its highs, few of them came around the year 2000, as the entire company was in a borderline free fall before Vince McMahon bought it out, including the Fingerpoke of Doom and one of the low-light moments of Double J's career, Bash at the Beach 2000. Even if some personalities are feeling nostalgic about the promotion as they look back 20 years later, it's safe to say Jarrett isn't one of them.