After watching Drew McIntyre cut an absolutely insane promo on CM Punk at the top of RAW‘s third hour, making light of the “Second City Saint's” injuries before celebrating his decision to drink in the notoriously straight edge Superstar's honor, fans in San Jose, California, were treated to a special moment when the “Scottish Warrior” requested the presence of Seth Rollin in the ring to talk some shop ahead of WrestleMania 40.

With a match in some 40 days now officially on the books, you'd think this would be the first shot in a rapidly accelerating war between the two decorated Superstars, but instead, the duo took things in a more cordial direction, opting for a sort of meeting of the minds of two top-tier performers inevitably barreling towards the same destination.

“We'll get to that, but if you will indulge me for a moment, San Jose! Welcome to Monday Night Rollins! And congratulations are in order for Drew McIntyre!” Seth Rollins announced to the crowd on RAW. “You did it, Drew, I'm proud of ya, you clawed your way back into a title match with me for the second time; this time, you have an opportunity to do what you've been wanting to do since 2020, win the World Heavyweight Championship, only this time, it won't be in an empty warehouse, you've got the opportunity to do it in front of a capacity crowd at the biggest WrestleMania of all time! But, there is one thing standing in your way, he is a ‘Visionary,' he is a ‘Revolutionary,' he is Seth ‘Freakin' Rollins!”

Accepting Rollins' congratulations, McIntyre addressed what he felt was the elephant in the room, the “Visionary's” decision to keep sticking his nose in The Bloodline's business when it could negatively impact their own match at Lincoln Financial Field in South Philadelphia.

“You know, you're standing in my way of winning that title, and beating you is no easy job. Beating me is no easy job, so why is it you're so hard on yourself? I've been watching what's happening with Roman and Cody and The Rock; just stop now! You don't need this in your life. I don't understand, I've talked to you about your injured knee, your injured back, take some time off, get to 100 percent. I want you at 100 percent. But you're not going to listen to me, you're a grown man. I can't understand why you're going to SmackDown, to other lands, to fight their battles when we need you here on RAW. That's their business. Screw them!” Drew McIntyre announced the surprise of the crowd in San Jose.

“When I'm champion, I don't care if SmackDown is on fire and they're on their knees begging for help, I will not pee on them to put that fire out! My responsibility will be RAW and that World Title only. There is one thing I really want you to think about, The Bloodline situation, mate, you know where this is going. Don't keep going down this path, we know the outcome, it's happened time and time again. It's happened to me personally, if you push them too far guess what's going to happen at your big match at WrestleMania? We're going to put on a killer match, they're all going to be on their feet going crazy, then they're going to hit the ring and they will take my victory. So please, for your sake, for my sake, back off!”

You know, you have to give it to McIntyre, while his perspective may be a tad twisted, he does stick remarkably consistently to it, which makes his conviction feel incredibly real even if the way he gets there isn't always correct. If McIntyre's goal is to get a clean win over Rollins at WrestleMania 40, staying as far away from The Bloodline is a pretty logical way to hopefully make that happen. Still, for Rollins, his goals at Mania are much bigger than simply retaining his title; he wants to ensure the future of the industry without The Bloodline's uncompromising grasp on future cards.

Seth Rollins believes WrestleMania 40 is bigger than his match.

After listening to Drew McIntyre bleed out his heart regarding his desire to be the champion of RAW and RAW only, Seth Rollins decided to state his peace with the “Scottish Warrior,” informing the 13,000-plus fans in San Jose that he's still to do anything in his power, even at the expense of his World Heavyweight Championship, to end The Bloodline once and for all.

“Drew, I respect everything you just said, but respectfully, some risks are worth taking. Look, I'm gonna be straight with you, man, you've known me for a long time, you know what I'm about, you know that every single thing you've just said I have thought about. I have replayed it over and over and over again in my head, all of the negative outcomes, that's why I'm the ‘Architect,' that's why I'm the ‘Visionary.' And the truth is, Drew, you might be right. You might be right; my knee, it might not be ready, my back might give out, The Bloodline may leave me broken in their wake just like they have with everybody else, and WrestleMania, it might be an easy night for ya,” Seth Rollins declared.

“You might be right, Drew, but what if you're wrong? Like I said, some risks, they're worth taking, I've been selfish in my career, man, I've been selfish in my life, and I thought the goal at the end of the road would fill the void but every single time I got to that point, I felt empty inside. And it wasn't until I had my daughter, it wasn't until I had my beautiful baby girl, that I realized that not everything is about me. There are some things in this world that are bigger than all of us, the World Championship is bigger than us. Taking down The Bloodline is bigger than us!

“Let me ask you think, if we don't take care of The Bloodline before WrestleMania, then what happens? Say you do take the title from me, it doesn't matter if you're champion or I'm champion. The Bloodline wants power, and it's only a matter of time before they come for the World Heavyweight Championship. So you might be right, but what if you're wrong? What if my knee is 100 percent? What if my back is ready to go? What if we can rip The Bloodline apart once and for all and secure the future of this industry? Because if we can do all of that, then at WrestleMania Drew, it's just you, me and the World Heavyweight Title. And I told you this before Crown Jewel, and I'll tell you again, may the best man win. Some risks are worth taking.”

Though there's still time for WWE to shake things up, maybe turn Rollins heel and change everything up forever, at this point, the story pretty much writes itself; Rollins is going to “sacrifice himself” in a tag team match between himself, Cody Rhodes, Roman Reigns, and The Rock, and while he'll help to insure a title change in the main event of Night 2, he'll do so at the expense of his own title. If that's how things come to pass, Rollins' story is shaping up to be an all-timer.