Just when the professional wrestling world seemingly couldn't take any more surprise debuts – Lamar Jackson, Rick Ross, Jeff Jarrett,  – or returns hinted at or otherwise – Colt Cabana, The Elite – four performers who have been absent from AEW television for two months now made their triumphant return in the form of Malakai Black, Brody King, Buddy Matthews, and Julia Hart, collectively known as The House of Black.

Now granted, the quartet didn't take the ring and challenge Death Triangle for the AEW World Trios Championships or physically appear in the ring for that matter at all, but just when fans thought the show was going to commercial, TBS instead cut to a promo by none other than Black and company, with Hart leading a burial of sorts for her former teammates to then emerge from the grave reborn into something new, and presumably more frightening.

Spooky, right? Well, when you read the text spoken by some nameless narrator, it becomes all the more so.

“What has become of us?” the narrator asked. “What have you all done? Have you all abandoned your faith this quickly? You have us burning at the stake so soon, clinging like children to this new world, afraid to abandon it. Now come the ways of old, now comes the worship of death. All must end so all can suffer anew.”

Goodness gracious, does Khan know that Halloween is so last month, and fans are getting ready for Thanksgiving and, eventually, the holiday season? If so, it’s looking like it’s going to be a Black Christmas, as the first words spoken by Malakai since All Out aren’t exactly merry and bright.

“Father of the black light, giver of the scythe that takes, giver of the scythe that creates” Black said. “Forget me not father, see me now, mother.”

What, you may ask, does that mean? Well, let's just say it probably isn't good for AEW.