Current MLB Analyst Alex Rodriguez was just trying to discuss some baseball prior to Game 3 of the ALCS between the Red Sox and Astros on Monday but instead, Boston fans decided to mock him after his break-up with J Lo in April.

Of course, she went back to her ex in Ben Affleck, who happens to be a huge Red Sox supporter. Considering A-Rod played for the hated New York Yankees, the Beantown faithful didn't hold back on mocking Alex Rodriguez after getting dumped. Just take a look at this savagery:

β€œWhat's your favorite Ben Affleck movie?” Oh my god. Just absolutely no filter. Yikes!

I'm sure Alex Rodriguez didn't really care that much or even get bothered by it, but still, pretty savage. I'm sure he's still not completely over the fact that Lopez left him, but I mean, he's doing pretty well for himself. A-Rod is not only one of the leading faces of MLB on Fox, but he also just became a co-owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Money doesn't buy happiness, but Rodriguez shouldn't feel too hard done by. As for Affleck, there was no sight of him at Fenway. The Red Sox still cruised to a massive 12-3 win, though.