Heads-up furry role-playing fans, as Biomutant will be released on May 25, 2021. THQ Nordic, the game's publisher, made their announcement on their official website. They likewise mentioned that more information will be released in the upcoming weeks and months.

For diehard fans of post-apocalyptic RPGs, you may now pre-order the game on their website. Besides receiving a copy of the game, you'll also attain additional rewards depending on the edition. You may go hardcore by purchasing the Atomic Edition, where you'll acquire a steelbook, a diorama, a t-shirt, an oversized mousepad, a sample artwork, the game's official soundtrack, and a premium box. This edition is priced at $399.99

Or you may opt for the Collector's Edition which will provide you a hero figurine, a sample artwork, the game's official soundtrack, and the premium box. This will cost you $109.99.

The game was first announced back in 2017 during a Gamescom event. It's developed by Experiment 101, a Swedish based game developer who are new to the industry. Though the game is developed by unproven talent, the gameplay videos reveal a huge potential due to its graphics and character creation system. According to the developers, the game will offer something revolutionary when it comes to the third-person action adventure genre. Given its current state and the confidence of the developers, it could end up as a hidden gem for 2021's gaming scene.

Unlike other upcoming games in 2021, Biomutant is only limited to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Hopefully its PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series versions will follow suit.