Blastoise is finally making his way to Pokemon Unite. Blastoise was leaked way back in July and was expected to be the next Pokemon to arrive in Pokemon Unite. Surprisingly, we got Blissey instead. We'll be getting the fan-favorite water-type Pokemon on September 1, ahead of the game's mobile release on September 22.

When will Blastoise be in Pokemon Unite?

Blastoise will be available as a playable character on September 1. His arrival was announced on the official Pokemon Unite Twitter, alongside a trailer showcasing his abilities. You may see the trailer below:

His moves and abilities haven't been delved into too much detail just yet, but we can infer a few things from the trailer. The first move allows him to jump into his shell spin around, dealing damage and interrupting opponents he hits. He also appears to have the ability to launch different water-cannon barrages and a positioning ability that allows him to surge forward with a wave of water.

Like the rest of the Pokemon in the Pokemon Unite roster, Blastoise will likely be obtained through earning Aeos Coins. This is the game's in-game currency. However, he will probably also be available through purchasing Aeos Gems, the game's premium currency.

Additionally, the Pokemon Presents live stream from earlier this month also announced that Sylveon and Mamoswine will be the next additions to the playable roster. Their release will coincide with Pokemon Unite's release on mobile platforms.