Not to be outdone by Oakland Athletics fans, a couple of Toronto Blue Jays fans were caught on video having sex high up in the bleachers of Rogers Centre during Monday night's game between the Jays and the visiting Chicago Cubs.

The video below by blogTO is NSFW-esque so you might want to cover your screens if you're planning to click play at work or in front of the kids.

Somehow, that pair of Blue Jays fans managed to cross one out off their bucket list by doing the one pastime that makes life possible while America's favorite pastime plays out in front of them. However, it appears that the couple was not able to “close it all out” as a group of stadium security personnel was seen marching in their direction like a damn shutdown bullpen called upon to put out the fires.

Sex in the stands can be hilarious to see and hear about, but that doesn't make it right. It's not ethical or hygienic. There are kids attending the games. People don't usually go to a baseball game to see strangers demonstrate their baby-making skills. They're there to watch literal bats make literal contact and actual screwballs get thrown by Major League Baseball pitchers. Then again, people having sex in the stands is probably as old as the game itself.

For what it's worth, according to my deep statistical research, the Blue Jays are now 1-0 this season when a couple has sex during their game.