Celine Dion is about to perform on a pretty massive stage after taking some time off due to health reasons.

You guessed it. The singer is set to make a comeback at the Paris Olympics. Variety reports she’ll be in the spotlight during the opening ceremony on Friday. And wait until you hear about how much she’s getting paid for the gig.

Celine Dion’s battle with SPS

It’s quite a show, considering she’s been low-key and not performing since her December 2022 diagnosis of Stiff Person Syndrome.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine: “Stiff person syndrome is a rare autoimmune neurological disorder that most commonly causes muscle stiffness and painful spasms that come and go and can worsen over time. However, some people experience other symptoms, such as an unsteady gait, double vision, or slurred speech. SPS symptoms are thought to be related to which type of SPS a person has.”

The star arrived in Paris on Monday. She’s staying at the Royal Monceu Hotel, which is close to Champs-Élysées.

Last April, Dion spoke with Vogue France, saying, “I’ve chosen to work with all my body and soul, from head to toe, with a medical team. I want to be the best I can be. My goal is to see the Eiffel Tower again!”

Her dream is coming true: attending the Olympics and performing. Surely, she can also visit the Eiffel Tower while there.

Apparently, it’s pretty lucrative, too. TMZ reports she’s getting a whopping $2 million for ONE song. Not a bad payday.

It sounds like she’s been working her way to this moment for a while now, coping with her health issues as best she could.

“For four years, I’ve been saying to myself that I’m not going back, that I’m ready, that I’m not ready…As things stand, I can’t stand here and say to you: ‘Yes, in four months,'” she said. “I don’t know…My body will tell me.”

The film I Am: Celine Dion documents her journey with the disease and is streaming on Prime Video. It showcases challenging moments over the past few years living with SPS and how there’s hope to move forward.

“I wanted to do it as a documentary because it’s not a quick thing, and there is no quick fix to what I’ve gone through,” she noted. “It’s not just about vocal exercising and doing Pilates. It’s rehabilitation physically and vocally, emotionally and spiritually — the whole shebang. And I want this story to be told in a classy way. I respect my fans and myself enough for them to know the full truth.”

So, catch Celine Dion at the Olympics opening on NBC and Peacock this Friday. With her comeback and massive payday, it has to be a great performance.