League of Legends developer Riot Games announced that the Chemtech Drake and its related effects will be disabled. The Chemtech Drake is one of the two new drakes added this preseason, the other being the Hextech Drake. The whole blog post from Riot states:

When we introduced the Chemtech Drake, Soul, and Terrain in preseason, we shared our intent for it to have a higher impact on games than the original four elemental drakes. Over the past few months, we've heard your feedback across social media and surveys that, even with this goal in mind, the Chemtech addition has just been too frustrating to play with—especially if you're on the losing team.

Effective today, we're disabling the Chemtech Drake, Soul, and Terrain.

While the Chemtech Drake and its corresponding systems are disabled, we'll be iterating on design changes to solve the issues with the current versions, while maintaining the spirit of what we were originally trying to achieve. Our primary focus will be on the terrain. This may take time to do right, meaning there's a chance we won't bring the Chemtech Drake back for a while.

Our goal, as always, is to make Summoner's Rift the best it can be, and it was clear that we missed the mark this time. Thanks for sharing all your feedback and for the patience you afforded us while we gave Chemtech Drake its shot in the wild.

The Chemtech Soul is the most punishing to fight against, effectively making any and every fight you take against it a 5 v 10. Obtaining it boasts an almost 90% win rate in Gold+ ranked. Soul aside, the terrain eliminates any chance of the losing team to buy space and vision for their team because of the Chemfog. The losing team basically has to face check the fog every single time they need to acquire vision for any objective, and this makes it easier for the winning team to snowball.

There is no projected date when the Chemtech Drake will be back, but it's great that the dev team responded to the players' voices and is trying to amend the imbalance.

For more changes coming to League of Legends soon, check out the Ahri mini-rework.