It's Chris Pratt like you've never seen him before! With Pringles.

Yes, the actor is debuting a mustache in a new Super Bowl commercial, where he becomes the one and only Mr. Pringles, aka Mr. P.

Pringles commercial featuring Chris Pratt debuts

The commercial has already been released online, but it'll make the rounds during the big game. In it, the actor goes up to a counter in a convenience store carrying a container of Pringles. From there, hilarity ensues.

It starts with the actor approaching the clerk and saying, “Just this.”

Holding a cell phone, the cashier behind the counter admits, “You look like the Pringles guy.”

From there, Pratt says, “No, I don't.” Immediately afterward, the cashier revealed she had taken a photo with her phone and said, “Posted.”

The post goes viral and leads to some major acting work for Chris. At the end, the cashier asks if she gets a cut.

The comedic commercial commenced partly due to Pratt growing out his stache during the Hollywood work stoppage, Variety reports. He told the publication, “I grew it out and shaved down the sides, and it curled up.

The Garfield actor's wife, Katharine Schwarzenegger, told the actor that the new mustache might have some star power.

“That's actually a good look for a character,” he says she told him. “Have you ever played a character with that type of mustache?”

Pratt added, “I kept it. I must have posted something on social media.”

If you don't want to catch the sneak peek, Pringles is set to air the Chris Pratt ad during the first quarter.