Time travel and nukes aren't the only issues that the new Warzone Verdansk '84 faces. Soldiers in this map also seem to defy physics over and over again. And just recently, players discovered another map glitch that victimizes players once again.

Call Of Duty Warzone Cheaters exploit new Verdansk '84 map glitch

Redditor u/JackBlackmore shared in a post the new map glitch he found on Verdansk '84. The player shared a video where he demonstrated the map glitch. The player drives a truck to a nondescript shack near Array in the Verdansk '84 map. They then jump on the door in quick successions. After a few jumps, the player phases through the door, entering the empty shack. From the inside, the player can shoot people from the outside. However, Warzone players from the outside will not see the player. Their bullets also won't pass through the walls of the house. This makes it difficult for the cheater to get killed.

According to JackBlackmore, it's “shocking how easy ” it is to do the Warzone cheat. In fact, many of the other commenters in the thread shared their own experiences with the glitch. One commenter even said, frustratingly, “I actually can’t wrap my head around how much of a f***ing loser you have to be to actually do this to get kills. Like, the people that do this you just know are the absolute worst kind of people irl (in real life).”

This isn't the first and probably not the last glitch players will find on the new Warzone Verdansk '84 map. On the same thread, other players also shared their experiences with similar glitches elsewhere on the map. One user reports that there's a similar glitch near the Train Station. Earlier reports have also pointed to the Airport as a place where Warzone cheaters have been going to get easy kills in the game.