The coronavirus is affecting the NBA, as they had to postpone (at the least) their games. While the pandemic is bringing out the worst in people, it's also helping exemplary people like Mark Cuban, Kevin Love, and Joe Tsai show how kind they can be during these trying times.

Anthony Puccio of Nets Daily revealed that Tsai is joining the Dallas Mavericks owner in paying their respective staff during the suspension of the league. He also puts Love on the spotlight, as the Cleveland Cavaliers forward reportedly made a considerable donation to help with the livelihood of the people he works with.

Everyone knows that running an NBA team is not a walk in the park. Even in a normal season, it's hard to keep expenses down while maximizing your revenue. Each franchise has their own cost-cutting measures that they implement. It's also understandable from a business point of view that they won't pay their employees during the break.

However, it's praise-worthy that both Cuban and Tsai had the empathy to walk in their employees' shoes and assure them that they would not be out of finances during the league's temporary shutdown. It's not an easy thing to shoulder the financial burden during the suspension, and it will no doubt cost the two owners a lot of money in the process.

Cuban, Love, and Tsai are examples of genuine philanthropy during a time that disease makes human interaction next to impossible. Given that there are now two owners who are committed to this, it's not impossible to see other teams follow suit in the coming days. In a world where the coronavirus is on the minds of a lot of people. gestures like these can go a long way.