Dislyte has been swiftly growing in popularity in the past month, and it doesn’t seem like it will stop anytime soon. To make it even sweeter for the current player base, Dislyte has released a new event, known as The Lone Star. This game event features time-limited stages, missions, a reward shop, and a new banner featuring the newest 5-star Esper, Ollie (Osiris). This article will provide a rundown of each section of the event, and a simple guide on what to do to progress and obtain rewards.

The Lone Star – Story and Stages

Event Duration: 2022-5-31 (post-update) – 2022-6-13 8:00 PM (Eastern)

This event depicts the journey of Ollie, an Esper under the name of Osiris, and his path towards finding the truth behind his father’s murder. There are many things to unpack once you first step into the story stages, so we’ll leave everything for you to discover.

There are two story chapters, each with its own sequence of stages, but the second chapter will only be unlocked 7 days after the event’s first release. For now, you will only be able to complete the first chapter, including two sets of farmable stages.

The two sets of farmable stages will be unlocked as you progress into the story, with the latter set being unlocked at the very end of chapter one. Both of the sets contain identical stages of increasing difficulty, so it’s advised to simply farm the hardest stage you can easily auto-battle.

Mission List and Clues

As you complete and farm more stages, you’ll naturally obtain rewards from the Mission List, along with unlocking certain Clues that reveal the lore of Osiris. The Mission List provides different kinds of rewards that are useful for newcomers, like Gold, Nexus Crystals, and Stamina packs. However, if you’re looking for the motherlode, look no further than the Rewards Shop.

Rewards Shop

The Rewards Shop is the place to spend your hard-earned event currency you gained from farming. The main prize of the shop is Scylla, who is a fantastic support-healer Esper that you don’t want to miss out on. Apart from her, you can also obtain huge rewards like Records, Starimons, Gold, Stamina Packs, and other materials.

There is also the second part of the shop which is set to unlock on the 7th day of the event, and also requires a different type of event currency. Presumably, this currency can be obtained in the second chapter, which also unlocks on the same day. 

Ollie’s Rate Up Banner

Finally, the star of the show appears in a rate-up banner of his own, awaiting for lucky players to summon him. Ollie, or Osiris, has a higher chance to appear than other Legendary Espers, and this chance can rise even higher after 350 pulls. The maximum guarantee number seems to be pretty high, but it would take a lot of bad luck to reach that amount. Aside from the pity system, you can also obtain extra records and even Legendary Abilimons as you make your way towards the 350th pull. 

This might all seem to be a ton of pulls for a guarantee, but if you’re eager to save for a character, it’s feasible to save enough pulls thanks to the generous amount of records and crystals one can get on a weekly basis.


Events in Dislyte are always great opportunities to obtain tons of rewards, especially if you’re the type of player who loves to level and build Espers. Players who just started might miss out on some difficult stages, but they can still definitely obtain all the rewards from the shop, given enough grinding. 

Dislyte is available on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. For more Dislyte Guides, click here.