The third season of the Dota animated series is coming this August, as the Netflix Geeked Week showcased Dota Dragon's Blood Book 3.

Dota Dragon's Blood Book 3 Release Date: TBD August 2022

Dota Dragon's Blood is an exploration of the lore of the Dota 2 game, featuring both new and recurring characters, providing fans with character interactions that go beyond trying to kill each other in the lanes and in clashes. Well, some of these characters still try to kill each other in the animated series, but at least they also talk, travel, go on brawls in taverns, and, well, show intimacy in some cases – all of which you won't see in Dota 2.

In Book 3, the story of Davion, Mirana, and Luna continues as we seemingly head towards the end of Davion's and Fymryn's story arcs. At the end of Book 2, Davion and Slyrak have apparently been released from their bond, while Slyrak leaves the Dragon Knight to confront Terrorblade in Foulfell. We're sure to see an epic battle happen early in Book 3, and who knows where that story will head to next, after that?

Mirana's newfound resolve will surely be a focus, especially thanks to the tragic events in Book 2. If you don't want to miss out, be sure to catch up first on the first two Books before heading to the latest one. That's good news, especially since there are still two months before the release of Dota Dragon's Blood Book 3.

Want to be the first to find out when Dota Dragon's Blood Book 3 is coming out on Netflix? Then stay tuned in this space and watch out for our August monthly article for what's New to Netflix for the month. We've got all the latest shows covered and reported on when they'll be released on the Netflix App for the US.