With an animated Netflix series coming up called DOTA: Dragon's Blood, it's time for us to take the lore more seriously. Let's face it, the lore has mostly been just an afterthought for us players. But with DOTA expanding its universe, we should keep up with the times. Even Valve thinks so, too. In recent version updates of Dota 2, they've added lore descriptions to all of the items in the game. With such a treasure trove of information, SirActionSlacks peered through thousands of texts and pieced them together. With what he's learned, he's presented us with his newest DOTA LOREGASM video. In The Mystery of the Black King, he explores who the mysterious owner of the powerful Black King Bar was. And in true clickbait fashion, You won't believe who it is!


According to the lore he's peered through, SirActionSlacks posits that the Black King was a holy crusader who eventually got corrupted by his fear of death. He led an army against an army of living dead, who overwhelmed the Black King's army. With his comrades dying on the battlefield, the Black King sought a way to preserve himself, turning into a wraith. That's correct, the Black King turned into the Wraith King.

In the video, Slack also connected other items to the Black King. These include the Helm of Iron Will, the Buckler, the Falcon Blade, and even the innocent-looking Fluffy Hat. He also connected the Black King Bar with the Sacred Relic, a corrupted version of the once-powerful weapon. Slack connected the dots by both visual observation and item descriptions. The easiest connection is the two items' similar appearances, with the red jewels lining up nicely.

But why does the Black King fear death so much? Perhaps the defeat of his army, possibly the first loss the valiant king has ever experienced, exposed him to vulnerability for the first time in his life. Instead of succumbing to mortality, the Black King chose to become a wraith, escaping death but becoming death himself. As a result, he becomes the Wraith King, who has enslaved his own kingdom under fear and brutality.

The Wraith King, Slack claims, also feared death so much that he's invented Sentry Wards. A plant that can detect even the most stealthy assassin, the Sentry Wards made the Wraith King feel secure from would-be assassins and daring rogues.

But now the Wraith King is more than just a specter escaping death – he has become the harbinger of death himself. “Wraith King's blade drains his enemy's essence to feed his aura.” With every


Explore more of the DOTA universe with Slack's content. He has over 20 videos now tackling different points in DOTA's lore. Granted, many of his claims are just pure headcanon, but his premises help build the universe for you. Use his content as your starting point for DOTA.

With the information you have from these videos, you can continue your research by reading up the lore of the items and the heroes in the game. There are a lot of gems you can pick up just from reading the heroes' bios by themselves. Piece things together with their cosmetic items' lore as well. Cosmetic items, specially Immortals and Arcanas tell whole stories all by themselves. You can also check out the characters' voice lines and interactions with each other, as DOTA hides a lot of lore through these conversations as well.

To be sure, DOTA's lore is very deep but also very unraveled. It's up to you to piece things together and connect points for a more coherent story. DOTA: Dragon's Blood will, at the very least, encode these stories into a more linear media, easier for us to consume and enjoy.

Not yet caught up with DOTA: Dragon's Blood? Check out everything you need to know about the new anime series in the link here.