People would often say that those who only play video games the whole day are leading an unhealthy lifestyle. However, some recent studies find that playing video games may just have the same effects as having a moderate cardio workout. And we're not even talking about fitness games like Fitness Boxing and Ring Fit Adventure. No, we're talking about FIFA, because yes, apparently, FIFA gameplay has the same effect as a moderate cardio workout. reports on a study by The University of Liverpool, which they commissioned, where the researchers sought to understand how FIFA‘s gameplay actually affects the player's body. Long story short, they had six key findings in their study:

  1. Hearts rates spiked up to 140 beats per minute indicative of a surge in emotion
  2. Heart rate responses were more elevated across the board when playing against an unknown player, reaching levels of a moderate cardio workout
  3. Blood pressure was slightly elevated after a game against an unknown player, indicating a level of anxiety and frustration
  4. All players demonstrated an increase in heart rate whilst playing the game
  5. 70% of participants had an elevated heart rate for the duration of the game once the opposition had scored
  6. Despite all of the above factors, all participants reported a reduction in state anxiety post-playing

But wait, that doesn't actually mean that FIFA gameplay will get you to lose weight or stay fit the same way that actual exercise does. While you do experience the same heart rate and blood pressure changes, you don't exactly use the same amount of calories, and hence do not burn them. Alternatively, you can still lose weight and exercise truly with the games we mentioned earlier. You can pick up Ring Fit Adventure on Amazon through this link. You can also get Fitness Boxing 2 here.

FIFA 22 comes out on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia, and Windows PC, with next-gen gameplay available for the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions, this October 1, 2021.