Going into Inazuma already feels like entering a whole new world. Inazuma feels completely different from anything we’ve seen in Genshin Impact so far. We'll have a completely new ecosystem with a rich history and boundless lore waiting to be uncovered. Exploring every nook and cranny of this faraway land isn’t without challenges though. Travelers will encounter completely new foes that will pose danger to the unprepared. Most of these we've seen in the 2.0 Special Program, and we take a closer look at each one of them.

New enemies in Genshin Impact Inazuma

A myriad of distinct enemies can be found scattered all around Inazuma, each with its own interesting reason backstory. The first notable ones are sentient machinery akin to the Ruin Guards and Ruin Hunters. They are known as Ruin Sentinels and exist in a number of creature-like forms. Some of them resemble crabs, serpents, or even floating jellyfishes, and each form has its own distinct fighting style and abilities.

Human opponents can also be found across the new Genshin Impact region, with appearances reflecting the culture of Inazuma. Samurais adept at certain elements appear all throughout the land, along with ronins who turned to banditry as means of living. 

Genshin Impact samurai ronin enemies

Scheznaya's influence also reaches as far away as Inazuma, with Fatui agents appearing here as well. Among them is the so-called Mirror Maiden. She has an appearance similar to the Cicin Mages, and has the ability to control Hydro and shape them into mirrors and illusions.

Genshin Impact Mirror Maiden

Inazuma Boss Fights

Highly dangerous Genshin Impact bosses found solace in key areas and can be farmed for loot using Original Resin.

One of the bosses is the Pyro Hypostasis, which finally appears and is another addition to the family of Hypostases. We're likely to get ascension materials for Pyro and Inazuma characters from this world boss fight.

Genshin Impact Pyro Hypostasis

A completely new kind of boss is the Perpetual Mechanical Array, which is said to transform into different forms. This boss seems to be an amalgamation of the different ruin sentinels. It may combine the different movesets of other Genshin Impact enemies. 

Genshin Impact Perpetual Mechanical Array

Finally, Golden Apple Archipelago is going away as soon as Genshin Impact v2.0 rolls out, but players will still able to find Maguu Kenki somewhere in Inazuma, and can continue farming its precious drops, especially the Marionette Cores needed to ascend Kaedehara Kazuha

There might be more enemies that can be discovered once we’re able to visit Inazuma. It’s only a matter of time until we have full information on the whereabouts of every enemy in the new region.