After months of speculation and having met him through the Inazuma archon quests, it's finally been confirmed that Thoma will be a playable character in Genshin Impact. The official Genshin Impact Twitter account posted his official artwork earlier today. Additionally, we also got some details about the character.

Genshin Impact's Thoma has been an integral part of the Traveler's adventures in Inazuma, serving as their “fixer” ever since they set foot in the new region. He's been speculated to join the playable roster since his reveal. Now, his fans will be glad to know that they'll be able to pull for him sometime in the future.

Playable Thoma in Genshin Impact

His title, “Protector from Afar” might refer to his character history. He was originally born in Mondstadt and now lives in Inazuma. His other title, “The Kamisato Clan's Housekeeper” comes as no surprise. This is due to him being a loyal retainer for the Kamisato household. Thoma will join the Genshin Impact roster as a Pyro polearm user, as the 10th Pyro character in the game. Additionally, he is set to be the third Pyro polearm user alongside Xiangling and Hu Tao.

Currently, it has not yet been revealed wether Thoma will be a 5-star or 4-star character, and which banner he will be running in. Most assume that he will be a 4-star that will release sometime in 2.2. It seems like it'll be quite a while yet before we're spending our primogems on him. Especially since the Raiden Shogun and Kokomi banners are coming soon. Meanwhile, we've got a lot of coverage on Genshin Impact, especially about the incoming 2.1 update – you can check it all out here.