Back on June 6, 2024, Hogwarts Legacy released its Summer update, which introduced Photo Mode into the game, the ability to reset all talent points, and treating players to a previously PlayStation-exclusive quest known as Haunted Hogsmeade.

However, like every other game, for each major update comes a set of problems that need to be addressed. Avalanche Software immediately worked on a fix and released a July update for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The patch is mainly targeted at persisting issues with Photo Mode. It also includes several bug fixes that should improve the overall quality of life.

With all that said, here are the patch notes for the latest Hogwarts Legacy Update.

Hogwarts Legacy July Update – Full Patch Notes

Before anything else, it's worth mentioning that players can find the full patch notes on Hogwarts Legacy's official website.

Nintendo Switch Patch Notes

Build Version – 1228335

Developer notes – This is a hot-fix patch aimed to fix a few persistent crashes. Several lighting, collision and functionality issues that have popped up within the newest Photo mode have also been addressed. Multiple other bugs have been fixed.


  • Fixed incorrect Arabic translations of circular taped glasses pop-up reward screen.

Photo Mode:

  • Fixed instance where collision would be missing around the stone bridge on the way to Hogsmeade.
  • Fixed instance where collision would be missing on several mountains around the coastal region.
  • Fixed instance where collision would be missing on several mountains around Hogwarts’ south region.
  • Fixed instance where collision would be missing on several mountains around Hogwarts north region.
  • Fixed instance where the HIDE NPCs option would not work with Poacher Animagus enemies during their transformation.

Talent Reset:

  • Fixed instance where incorrect currency amounts would be displayed in the Talents Tab.


  • Fixed multiple instances where map pointer for treasures would be misplaced when drinking the Felix Felicis potion.
  • Fixed instance where Felix Felicis potion would use the same tool slot as the broom and could not be equipped while the broom is usable.


  • Fixed instance where Female Avatar fifth complexion would appear indistinct from another option in the character creator.


  • Fixed instance where the game would crash when opening Photo Mode right after interacting with the Ancient Magic Door.

PS4 and Xbox One Patch Notes

Build Version – 1228791

Developer notes – This is a hot-fix patch aimed to fix a few persistent crashes. Several lighting, collision and functionality issues that have popped up within the newest Photo mode have also been addressed. Multiple other bugs have been fixed.


  • Fixed incorrect Arabic translations of circular taped glasses pop-up reward screen.


  • Fixed instance where the Dark Lightning Broom could not be obtained when continuing a previous save after downloading and installing the latest patch.

Photo Mode:

  • Fixed instance where avatar would fall OOW after closing the Photo Mode menu in Hogwarts.
  • Fixed instance where assets wouldn’t stream and display properly when opening Photo Mode menu in Hogwarts or Hogsmeade.
  • Fixed instances where toggling the HIDE NPCs option would not work as intended with certain students, dragons or dementors.
  • Fixed instance where the avatar would fall OOW after closing the Photo Mode menu while in Hogwarts.
  • Fixed instances where lack of collision would allow the player to see OOW while in Photo mode.


  • Stability
    • Fixed instance where game would crash during Fastidio Boss fight.


  • VFX
    • Fixed missing diffindo combat spell cast VFX.

PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC Patch Notes

While we did mention that Avalanche Software provided updates for the previous generation of consoles, of course, they'd also provide patches for the current generation and PC. However, their July update provides more thorough fixes considering how they are the main priority to fix.

With that said, here are the full patch notes for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC:

Build Version– Xbox Series X/PS5 – 1231491 / PC – 1228792

Developer notes – This is a hot-fix patch aimed to fix a few persistent crashes, including the crash caused by enabling fidelity mode while raytracing is active on PS5. Several lighting, collision and functionality issues that have popped up within the newest Photo mode have also been addressed. Multiple other bugs have been fixed.

Disclaimer – While this patch addresses multiple issues, there is one known crash that happens frequently on some systems that we weren't able to fix in time for this release. If you continue to experience frequent crashes, this temporary work-around may help: Go to Windows Settings, System, Graphics, and disable “Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling” if you have it enabled. We are actively working to resolve this issue and will release a fix as soon as possible.


  • Fixed instance where the Dark Lightning Broom could not be obtained when continuing a previous save after downloading and installing the latest patch.


  • Fixed incorrect Arabic translation in circular taped glasses pop-up reward screen message.

Photo mode:

  • Fixed instances where toggling the HIDE NPCs option didn’t work with some students, dragons, dementors.
  • Fixed instances where lack of collision would allow players to see OOW through dungeons’ ceilings.


  • Stability
    • Fixed instance where enabling Fidelity mode while activating Raytracing would eventually cause the game to crash.
  • VFX
    • Fixed missing Diffindo combat spell casting VFX.

Xbox Series X

  • UI
    • Fixed instance where pixelation in the form of black dots would be displayed in the field guide or map menus.
  • Stability
    • Fixed instance where game would crash during Fastidio boss fight.


  • UI
    • Fixed instance where using the Portrait Filter in Photo Mode would cause unintended artifacting.
  • Compatibility
    • Fixed instance that would cause over exposed lighting after updating NVIDIA drivers to 555.99 version.

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