League of Legends season 11 will soon reach its thrilling conclusion with the 2021 Worlds finals happening this week. Marking the end of the 2022 preseason, patch 11.23 will soon launch on the PBE. In a surprising reveal, players discovered a new skin line called Cafe Cuties soon to arrive in the game. Seven Dragonmancer skins just debuted in Patch 11.21, but Riot has been on a tear recently, especially leading up to Netflix series Arcane (which, by the way, also got two skins for 11.23).

The champions that will be getting Cafe Cutie skins are: Soraka, Sivir, Bard, Annie, Vladimir, and Gwen. Each one is ripe with dazzling pink, purple and emerald green color tones, with the champions dolled up in cafe server style uniforms. Here's a look at the magical splash art for each Cafe Cutie skin.

League of Legends Cafe Cutie Skins Splash Art

Cafe Cutie Sorka and Cafe Cutie Sivir

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Sivir and Soraka have a combined splash art for the Cafe Cutie skin line, showing the two serving sweets like sundaes and cakes. Of course, the desserts are decked out in the same pick hues that light up the rest of the image. While Soraka wields a croissant-inspired staff, Sivir gets a fancy pink hairdo with bright green highlights. With both having pastry themes, they seem to suggest that good food can be healing (Soraka) and/or worth fighting for (Sivir).

As for the champion model and visual effects, Sivir's crossblade turns into the serving tray she's holding in the splash art, with green trailing effects when ricocheting around. Spell Shield also now envelopes the champion in a pink aura, and when she pops her ult, teammates also get the pink treatment. As multiple blades slice through enemies at once, all the particle effects blend nicely together. Meanwhile, the recall animation shows Sivir catching pastries on her tray.

Meanwhile, Soraka's recall has her setting up a tiny table with the croissant doll hopping on top of it. Pink and green again dominate the visual effects, with tiny particles that look more like flowers than her usual stars. The once celestial zone of the Equinox also gets replaced by a more cutesy pattern that has a croissant in the middle. When it comes to her ult, Wish looks like magic dripping from the sky, pouring from a teapot.

Cafe Cutie Bard

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Looking more like a connoisseur, Bard sports a sophisticated suit, complete with jeweled tie and gold embroidery. While holding a teacup, the champion's head also changes to a teapot—so it's all very reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast with the personified objects.

In-game, Bard's Caretaker's Shrine now looks like teapots pouring into the teacups. When his Cosmic Binding lands as well and hits terrain behind the champion, a sketch of a smiling teacup appears on the wall. Bard also moves around like a genie with trailing effects as he collects his chimes around the map. And of course, his Magical Journey just became even more majestic with the new, colorful effects.

Cafe Cutie Annie

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Sitting atop a cart, Annie's splash art also has pastries—cupcakes—and tea sets, with Tibbers looking a lot less intimidating with his mustache and jazzy suit. Plus, the official description now calls him a gummy bear, so when Annie unleashes her ult, he's decked in purple and pink hues, too. Even the tiny Tibbers gets a fancy upgrade.

Instead of the usual flames surrounding Annie and flowing through her move animations, the particles again give off a more flower vibe, while her AOE shows a fancy pattern reminiscent of either royalty or elite restaurants. The recall animation isn't anything extravagant, though, and quite similar in concept to Soraka and Bard's with the table setup.

Cafe Cutie Vladimir

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Vladimir moves away from his usual bloody image and getting rid of the usual sharp spikes protruding from his arms. his His normally red blood-draining Transfusion is now all green. The luxurious tailcoat also makes him look more like a Count or some other royal figure or even a wizard.

Vladimir's Sanguine Pool looks partially pretty but also almost repulsive. The greenness and the bubble-like effects make it seem a bit more like a toxic swamp, but the rose illustration tries to make up for the appearance. On the other hand, Tides of Blood and Hemoplague exude surprisingly elegant visual effects, mixing the emerald green with darker violet.

Cafe Cutie Gwen

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Lastly, Gwen's model is the only one with a blue main palette, and her splash art comes with a decorative cake and ribbons. (Easter egg: You can also spot Soraka in the background). Make no mistake with Gwen's scissors. Even with the supposedly more stylish colors, the icing patterns on top still make the weapon look as intimidating as ever. Not to mention, the sharp colors and sounds when she snips and slashes at opponents. The blade also gets impaled into the ground like a tombstone or war relic in her recall animation. Gwen also sits on it as if it's a magic broomstick that carries her around.

Just like with Vladimir's pool, Riot do a brilliant job with Gwen's Hallowed Mist as well as her Needlework, mixing yellows and blue-violets when the needles are launched. Although, this time, fancy forks that surround the champion and the purple jewel or orb on the handles make them look more like candles in a ritual.