A video game loving world is only a few hours away from Bioware doing a nice Mass Effect Legendary Edition release on us. For those not familiar, it's simply a highly remastered version of the original Mass Effect Trilogy.

While there's an absolute ton of things happening with this remaster, we're going to highlight the three that tickles our fancy the mouth.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: To Mako Or Not To Mako

Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Bioware, Mass Effect Legendary Release, Mass Effect Trilogy Release

In the original game of the series, the story might have been a bit linear, but the exploring was not. Unfortunately, that resulted in copy-past type buildings on various planets, as well as a vehicle that was tougher to drive than it is to eat a two dollar steak.

The good news? In the Mass Effect Trilogy remaster, we have options to Mako or not to Mako.

To be more clear: Bioware allegedly “fixed” the Mako to make it better and more maneuverable. Time will tell just how much that is the case, but anything is better than the original.

That said, if you're a ME purist, the developers are also allowing you the option to drive the original, absolutely garbage version of the Mako.

Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster DLC Until Your Brain Explodes

While this point has been covered a lot, it's still worth noting, especially since the latter two games in the trilogy aren't as “complete” without them.

When you purchase the trilogy, you'll receive roughly 40 downloadable content packages to go with the game. Basically, all of the save for a few files that ended up corrupted over the years.

For those who have never played the series — you monsters! — the best way to experience the franchise is with all the DLC.

Bioware has been a tad bit shifty on a few things regarding the DLC. While 100% conjecture, firmly resting in the realm of speculation, it would not shock this handsome internet scribbler if a previously unreleased DLC or a small change to an old one makes it in.

This goes counter to what the developers mostly said. But keep in mind, this is the same people who initially claimed it was going to be a slight overhaul to the original, then admitted…

ME 1 Is Going To Be Bonkers

Paint me purple, call me Nancy, and tickle me until June 3, 2056. The original game in the series is going to look, feel, and play so much different than it originally did.

Part of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition overhaul was to get all three games to feel and look as similar as possible. ME 2 and three were already like that to a large degree, but the first game in the series played and looked like it came from a completely different era compared to the latter two (to be fair, it did!).

I'm slightly worried of mechanics in the later games end up breaking the first, as all those components not available originally might make it easier to wallop the bad guys (imagine a shotgun that actually works).

The visuals, well, they're likely to be breathtaking. While it's only one person's opinion, and the majority will disagree, I always thought the original ME held up pretty well… and that the face-visuals were actually miles better than Andromeda. Then again, that game was just awful. Hopefully Bioware learns from that in the next Dragon Age.

Nonetheless, good luck hunting in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, all my friendly versions of Commander Sheppard. Let's save the galaxy one punching of a reporter at a time!