The situation in New York between Carmelo Anthony and Phil Jackson is a messy one.

Now the NBPA director Michelle Roberts is stepping in with comments critical of how Jackson has handled the whole situation.

Via The Vertical:

“I think Phil was deliberately trying to shame ‘Melo out of the city,” she told The Vertical.

Anthony aside, that is the wider view, she said, “for when another GM gets it in his head that it’s OK to treat a player this way because Phil got away with it.”

“The comments do damage to the game because they devalue the player and makes the fans who buy tickets question the value of the investment,” Roberts said.

The general point Roberts makes is that Jackson's disregard for some of Anthony's rights as a player, namely his no-trade clause, could really hurt Anthony's career in the NBA and set a dangerous precedent for a general manager. Roberts believes the behavior of Jackson warrants a fine or some kind of punishment at least.

There's no question Jackson's antics have been peculiar in this case and he must really want Anthony gone to sink to the level he has this season.

With the situation still so toxic, it may be for the best for Anthony and Jackson to look to find some resolution so that Anthony can go play elsewhere.