The Color Purple star Danielle Brooks teased her role in the upcoming Minecraft movie. She revealed that the production requires all five of her senses.

Speaking to Variety, Brooks discussed her forthcoming movie. She first revealed that while she's never played the popular game, she's learning it. When asked how many movies she signed on for in the franchise, she joked that she's “signed on until the end of time.”

“I'm just glad they have people on set like the creator and people that are really in tune with the game to help me because the little person I've created keeps hitting into trees or keeps falling off a cliff. I don't know what I'm doing. ” she admitted. “But I will learn it. I have an Xbox in my trailer.”

Later in the interview, Brooks was asked about how similar the Minecraft movie will be to the video game. Brooks promised that the film will be “magical.”

“I don't know how to play the game but I know the world and the movie is pretty magical,” she revealed. “It's so lifelike. I don't know how much I can share, but I do know fans will not be disappointed with the world they've created.

“We obviously do some green screen, but we got all the things there. Basically, all your senses are being used. You have the world for sight but also for an actor, the smells of certain things. It will make more sense months from now when I can actually explain it,” Brooks continued.

Finally, Brooks revealed she isn't singing the Minecraft theme song. However, she did add that “you can't do a movie with Danielle Brooks and Jack Black and not have us do something [musical].”


Jennifer Coolidge and Jason Momoa with Minecraft logo and background.

The upcoming Minecraft film is being directed by Jared Hess (Napoleon Dynamite). The ensemble features the likes of Jack Black, Jason Momoa, Danielle Brooks, Emma Myers, Kate McKinnon, and Jennifer Coolidge.