Knowing the Best Hitting Interface in MLB The Show 24 should help you improve as a batter. Overall, the game offers three different hitting interfaces that focus on either your timing, direction or zone. However, which one works the best and why should you use it? We created a guide to help you understand each interface, and which one you should use.

What Is The Best Hitting Interface In MLB The Show 24?

Overall, we believe the Zone Hitting Interface is the Best Hitting Interface in MLB The Show 24. However, we'd be remiss not to mention how all three work, in case you'd like to experiment:

  • Zone – Overall, the player moves the Plate Coverage Indicator (PCI) to line up their swing. Allows them to control the level of contact.
  • Timing – Player focuses solely on the timing of the swing, leaving other indicators to the AI
  • Directional – By using the analogue stick, the player controls the direction of where the ball may go

The reason we believe Zone to be the best is because you get the most control out of it. Since you control the level of contact made with the swing, you have a better idea of understanding where the ball goes. Both Timing and Directional interfaces solely focus on either aiming or timing. While not terrible, why use them when Zone creates a blend of both while allowing the player to control their swing better.

For players just getting used to the game, perhaps you might want to try Timing or Directional, just for practice. Timing helps you get a feel for the pitching mechanics, while Directional helps you understand the ball physics. Overall, both are okay, but Zone offers a more comfortable option for seasoned players.

To swing the ball in The Show 24, the game offers three options:

  • A/X (Xbox, Playstation) – Standard Swing
  • B/O (Xbox, PlayStation) – Contact Swing
  • X/Square (Xbox, PlayStation) – Power Swing

Once you know which Interface is right for you, it all becomes a matter of slowly adapting to the game's mechanics. We hope this guide helped you identify the best Hitting Interface in MLB The Show 24.

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