With our dayjobs and other personal matters consuming our lives, it is difficult for the devout DOTA fan to follow the events happening around the world. Each region has their own distinct playstyle and identity and it will require a huge consumption of our time to learn from each region.

To solve this problem, Dan “Mr. Big Jams” Offen launches his podcast entitled, “The DPC Show,” discussing the events that took place in each region. With the help of DOTA analysts, the show will further elaborate the playstyles and highlights of each team competing in DOTA 2's DPC tournaments. This would also help observers in knowing the unknown and promising teams of each region.

Big Jams' first episode launched a few hours ago, featuring the most distinguished analysts in the DOTA scene. The likes of Robson “TeaGuvnor” Merritt, Muriëlle “Kipspul” Huisman, Brynden “NephSensei” Barbour, D2Bowie, Jack “MoFarahDota” Williams, and Matt “Danog” Joyce have offered their thoughts. Each of these analysts were given a specific region to dissect. His first episode is worth 2 hours of your time. Though listening from his podcast may consume a huge portion of your time, you have the option to skip some parts as there are timestaps for each segment.

The DPC show can be viewed on YouTube, Soundcloud, iTunes, and Spotify. For updates, you can follow Big Jams' official Twitter account.

This isn't the first time that Big Jams hosted a DOTA 2 podcast as he is also involved with Position 6, where he interviews various personalities in the scene.

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