
MW3 Launches Double XP Event for Warzone & Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 launches a Double XP event for Warzone and Multiplayer until December 28th.

MW3 Launches Double XP Event for Warzone & Multiplayer!

As the festive season unfolds, Call of Duty enthusiasts are welcomed with an exciting update: the commencement of a Double XP event in both Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). This initiative follows closely on the heels of a similar event that was exclusively for MW3 a little over a month ago. The quick succession of these events is a clear indicator of the developers' dedication to maintaining high levels of excitement and engagement within the gaming community.

Modern Warfare 3, which initially received mixed reviews, has experienced a notable resurgence in popularity. This is largely attributed to a series of well-executed updates and special events, including a festive, Christmas-themed event. These limited-time modes, aimed at injecting new life into the game, have been successful in drawing players back into the MW3 experience. Importantly, this renewed interest in MW3 is seen as more than a fleeting surge; it is expected to continue well into the game's highly anticipated first season.

The announcement about the Double XP event was made public by Sledgehammer Games through their Twitter account. They confirmed that for a limited time, players would be able to earn double the usual amount of Player, Weapon, and Battle Pass XP in both Warzone and MW3. This enhanced rate of progression is set to last until a specific date, marking an exciting period for players looking to advance their levels quickly.

When the Double XP Event Ends

The Double XP event is set to conclude on December 28 at 10 AM PT. This end date provides players with a clear timeframe to maximize their gameplay and take full advantage of the increased XP rates. Unlike the previous event, this time around, no new playlists have been introduced. This decision indicates a focus on deepening the current gameplay experience rather than expanding it with new content.

For players keen on progressing swiftly through the levels in MW3, this Double XP event represents an ideal opportunity. With the game’s first season now in full swing, players can use this event to accelerate their progress and unlock a variety of achievements in both Warzone and MW3. It should be noted, however, that the benefits of the Double XP event do not stack with in-game Double XP tokens. Therefore, players with these tokens might find it more beneficial to save them for use after the event's conclusion on December 28.

The strategic timing of the Double XP event seems to be a calculated move by the developers to leverage the holiday season, a period when many players have more free time for gaming. By including both Warzone and MW3 in the event, the developers demonstrate an inclusive approach, catering to the diverse player base of the Call of Duty franchise.

This event comes on the heels of the recent removal of snowballs from the gulag in Warzone, a change made in response to a bug highlighted by a viral clip from DrDisrespect. This adjustment is part of Warzone's ongoing effort to ensure a balanced and enjoyable gaming experience, particularly during the festive CODMAS event. The Double XP event, therefore, is another step towards enhancing the overall player experience during this holiday season, offering both Warzone and MW3 players a rewarding and engaging gaming period.