LeBron James took Kyrie Irving with his second pick for the NBA All-Star Game starters, and sure enough, it got everyone talking about their potential Los Angeles Lakers reunion this 2023 offseason.

James was obviously excited to get Irving on his team, and the two even did their handshake from their Cleveland Cavaliers days after LeBron announced his draft decision.

Unsurprisingly, it fueled discussions that Kyrie Irving is going to be a Laker come the 2023-24 season. LeBron James wanted LA to trade for his former teammate when he asked out of the Brooklyn Nets, but the veteran guard was sent to the Dallas Mavericks instead.

“DLO coming off the bench with Kyrie starting. Yeah Lakers 2024 champs,” one fan commented. Another Twitter user noted, “Kyrie to Lakers hahahahaa.”

Meanwhile, others couldn't help but joke that James is already tampering with that Irving pick. But hey, props to the superstar forward for making the most of the opportunity.

“LeTampering begins!” a third commenter wrote. A fourth Twitter user said, “tampering 101.”

Here are the other reactions to LeBron's Kyrie pick in the NBA All-Star Game:

The Kyrie-Lakers talks aside, LeBron did pick a pretty good team for the NBA All-Star Game. He got a point guard he knows very well in Irving, one of the best scorers in Luka Doncic, and unarguably the two best centers in the NBA in Joel Embiid and Nikola Jokic. LeGM really showed up big time in this one–in more ways than intended, of course.