The Seattle SuperSonics became the Oklahoma City Thunder back in 2008, but there's always been much clamor to bring back the historic franchise. Several athletes are chomping at the bit to potentially becoming part-owners, with Ray Allen being one of them.

Allen is considered to be one of the best three-point shooters of all time. He played for the Sonics from 2002 through 2007. Afterward, he played for the Boston Celtics where he joining Kevin Garnett, Paul Peirce, and Rajon Rondo then played for the Miami Heat with LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh. By the end of his career, Allen walked away winning a championship with both organizations.

Now, six years into his retirement, it seems Allen is ready to become an owner of an NBA franchise:

“I would love for Seattle to have a team, and I would love to be part of the ownership. When I left Seattle in 07, so many were disenchanted with the ownership, and the one thing that I told them was, this is something people all over the world in any city with a sports team. People were upset with the then owners, and I told them, listen,

I wear Seattle on my chest, but I only wear it for a brief time. When I leave, this is your city. You always have to fight for your city, for your team, and the pride of what it is. You cannot lose a sports team in your city because it is a community resource. As an adult you have your frustrations and things that piss you off the dynamics, the politics, but we do things for the kids.”

Seattle is notoriously known for being a city with a hardcore fanbase. When the Sonics moved to Oklahoma City, it came as a major shock to Sonics fans. With momentum being built on potentially reviving the Sonics franchise, it's possible fans get their team back sometime in the future. Having Ray Allen lead the way could be exactly what needs to happen to make this come to fruition.