Although it remains to be scene whether the NBA will return this year, the league is reportedly working on a 25-day plan from the time they get the “all clear” until games can restart.

Brian Windhorst of ESPN said the plan would consist of an individual workout period as well as a “training camp” for teams to get reacclimated (via Michael Shapiro of Sports Illustrated) if the coronavirus pandemic shows signs of slowing:

“In talking to executives and trainers around the league, what they’re looking at is a 25-day return to basketball window,” Windhorst said on ESPN on Sunday. “An 11-day series of individual workouts. …and then hopefully, if the clearance comes that they can play five-on-five basketball, a 14-day training camp.”

“So as you hope for the country to heal and the virus to get better, look for at least about a three-and-a-half to four-week return date before you’d ever get back to games.”

It is only natural to allow players and coaches to get back up to speed, especially considering some players have not even been able to shoot or even work on their skills during this quarantine period.

However, the NBA might also reach a juncture where push comes to shove. The league has been looking into arena availabilities through late-summer and into the fall, but they could run out of options depending on whether the virus can be curbed in an adequate amount of time.

Nevertheless, the NBA is clearly trying to stay prepared in the event they can indeed finish the season.