In a 60 Minutes interview with Nicolas Cage, the actor explained why he took on so many straight to video-on-demand (VOD) film roles, per CBS News. In the past, he's gotten a lot of flack for taking them, citing that he just didn't care—but he cared a lot.

In the early 2000s, Cage over-invested in real estate, and when the market crashed in 2008, he “couldn’t get out in time.” He ended up owing around $6 million. But because of these roles, he never filed for bankruptcy and was able to provide care for his mother. These straight to VOD film roles were his “guardian angel.” Cage told 60 Minutes' Sharyn Alfonsi that, “It may not have been blue chip, but it was still work.”

During this time, Nicolas Cage's net worth took a hit, from $100 million to $25 million, according to Entrepreneur.

And though these films weren't always prestigious, he still tried his best to fulfill the requirements of the part. One of his recent releases called Renfield, had Cage playing Dracula. This film wouldn't be a surprising move for Cage, as he's won Academy Awards, but now his name has become synonymous to straight to VOD films. This interview provided context as to why; money is a factor for almost everybody. It seems like Nicolas Cage also puts on his pants one leg at a time.

Renfield, which premiered in theaters April 14th, follows the story of Nicolas Cage's Dracula and his servant Renfield, played by Nicholas Hoult. Hoult's character Renfield is forced to do Dracula's bidding and provide for him, now he wants a life outside of the narcissistic vampire.