Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton always has the weirdest press conferences. When he's not busy storming out of them, he is either saying something that gets him in trouble or, as witnessed recently, making the weirdest claims.

His latest work forced Panthers linebacker Thomas Davis to talk about Newton.

Here is what Cam Newton said that started this entire (fun) debacle:

“Yeah, we just lost a great player but nevertheless, the Titanic still has to go,” Newton said.

For those somehow — only through magic, I suppose — unaware, the Titanic sank. It hit a block of ice, did not keep going, and went to the bottom of the ocean. That is NOT a vessel a team should be inspiring to take after.

Thomas Davis knows this and responded in kind:

“Absolutely {he won't make that comparison again}. You know we definitely did that. We gave him a hard time about that,” Davis said. “We’re not trying to be that ship that sinks.”

In other news in the Cam Newton department, the gunslinger is claiming to have shoulder pain. Not all the time, but mostly on Tuesdays. As we noted in the original news post, this doesn't deem well for Newton or the Panthers, as the latter relies heavily upon the former. With that sort of injury, Newton's workload, which was already too much as is, needs to be decreased for his own safety.

If not that, I guess he will just have to keep on keeping on just like that ship he wants to be like.