The sports world was in shock on Thursday after Barcelona announced that club legend Lionel Messi would be leaving Camp Nou. Rumors swirled of where Messi might end up, and there appears to be a bit of clarity regarding the situation with Messi's next stop. According to Mohamed Bouhafsi, Messi is preparing to join Paris Saint-Germain in what would be a gigantic move.
Wow, that sure didn't take long for Messi to find his next stop, and who knows how much money he is set to earn once it is finalized. Messi is set to meet with his father Jorge Messi, and one can only imagine that this deal will send huge shockwaves across the globe after him sporting a Barca jersey for nearly two decades.
After 17 seasons with Barca, Messi is going to be playing elsewhere, and what a strange sight that must be for everybody involved. The hottest name on the market in years, and PSG wasted no time shopping in and finding a way to get a deal done for the superstar.
Stay tuned for more updates on superstar Lionel Messi, and it sure looks like he will be a member of Paris Saint-Germain by the time the weekend is over. What a wild twist in just a matter of days.