Andre Drummond has joined the bandwagon. The Detroit Pistons star did the “In My Feelings” challenge but with a twist.

Below is a clip of Drummond doing the dance challenge sans a moving car:

The “In My Feelings” challenge has been done by numerous people all over the world. A quick browse online would reveal successful and failed attempts at it. The dance challenge involves a moving car with a decent sound system that can play Drake's “In My Feelings,” a cell phone to record it, and a daring person with dance moves to boot.

The challenge has spread like wildfire so much that it has forced a few local governments all over the world to post out warnings to its citizens. Some asked them to be cautious and do it in a wide-open space. Some governments, however, banned the dance challenge completely, noting the innate danger that it possesses.

Drummond's take on the dance craze didn't involve a car. It did, however, involve a phone, a good sound system, and a few kids who accompanied the big man to bust some moves.

Perhaps it's in his contract's interest that he stays away from activities with a high risk of injury. And frankly, maybe he doesn't need a car as a prop. Just seeing the big man showcase his moves is good entertainment.