Over the years, Pokemon has had numerous games translated into different genres and styles. We had seen the official videogame take off in 1996 and it has been phenomenal for the franchise. Since then, games like Pokemon TCG, Pokemon GO, Pokemon UNITE, and other game formats have been brought to light but as of lately, The Pokemon Company has officially shared information on a new game format that lets you sleep with Snorlax and friends – Pokemon Sleep.

Snorlax and friends to keep you company in Pokemon Sleep

Pokemon Sleep has been announced back in 2019 and since then, we have been left in the dark about how the game will transpire. With the recent announcement of new details for Pokemon Sleep, we now know that this game probably has been made for adults (and we actually think that it is) for the very reason that it lets you do the most adult thing ever – And that is to go to sleep. Check out the trailer below:

As we said, Pokemon Sleep literally lets you enjoy sleeping together with Snorlax and friends. The game is a different kind of Pokemon game that we are used to as it also uses a different art style and is already available to download in the App Store and Google Play.

It was shared that in the game, Trainers help Professor Neroil in the research of Snorlax's mysterious ability to emit Drowsy power which causes Pokemon to gather around it to get drowsy as well. Trainers assist by using the Pokemon Sleep app to track their sleep at night and the data is used to play the game when you wake up. Luckily, you wouldn't need to play at night having to wake up time and time again as all you need to do is to press a button in the game and signal the app that you are going to sleep. You will then have the option to use the Pokemon GO Plus + near your pillow, face down. The device uses its accelerometer to detect and record your sleep patterns.

Upon waking up, you will get to see different Pokemon gathered around Snorlax in different Sleep Styles which you'll log into your Sleep Style Dex. The number of different Pokemon is determined by your personal sleep style and how much Drowsy Power you earn. Drowsy Power is calculated by adding Snorlax's strength to your personal Sleep Score (which is based on the number of hours that you have slept). 8.5 hours earn the maximum of 100 points for adults, while kids earn 100 points by sleeping 11 hours.

There are also several things that you can complete throughout the day while you're awake. You can opt to give Poke Biscuits to the new Pokemon you have encountered and registered in the Sleep Style Dex as they assist you and your team to raise Snorlax.

Sleeping in with different sleeping styles

In Pokemon Sleep, there are different sleeping styles that you will discover – Dozing Style for light sleep, Snoozing Style for medium sleep, and Slumbering Style for heavy sleep. When you wake up, you'll be shown a graph of how long you slept in each style as well as telling you how many movements happened while you slumbered (It can even tell you when you sleep talk or even snore through recording which is pretty nifty for those who would want to monitor that). Different Pokemon will appear depending on the Sleep Style that you showcase through the night, meaning the more your sleep patterns change, the more Pokemon will appear around the Sleeping Pokemon.

Pokemon Sleep Event Details Shared

There were a lot of details shared and presented during the Pokemon Sleep event that happened and more information was shared by Yuri Horie, App Product Marketing Manager as well as Kaname Kosugi, Pokemon Sleep Director who joined in via Zoom. There were colorful plushies that can be seen in the event area which has the likes of Charizard, Jigglypuff, Squirtle, Pikachu, and more sleeping in the area, promoting the latest Pokemon app – Pokemon Sleep, to come out. A plethora of details were given but here's a gist of what happened:

What if I don't get 8.5 hours of sleep (because you know, sometimes, you need to wake up to go #Adulting)?
This means that you won't get a 100 Sleep Score as abovementioned but you will still get some kind of score that is less than 100. This may not be the best way to maximize and enjoy the game but you will still get a chance to get a high Sleep Consistency score for the week.

I usually sleep more than once a day, how about my mid-day naps?
Luckily, the app records up to two sleep moments within a day. As long as you get more than 90 minutes of sleep per session, you will get those records in.

Pokemon Sleep is pretty heavy with sleeping, do they work with legit sleep researchers?
Yes, Pokemon Sleep does work with well-known sleep researchers to help maximize the features of the game. The organizers and the app developers gave an important reminder that this is not a medical device and should not be used as such.

What happens to our recorded data?
Data that is collected through the app will be used for statistics but will be kept anonymous. The recordings that will be picked up by the app will be deleted as soon as 24 hours so no need to fear for what your subconscious sleepy self has to say about anyone.

Are there other Pokemon other than the ones from Generation 1?
The game will launch with 100 Pokemon and more will be added in the future, something to definitely look forward to!

Will there be legendary and shiny Pokemon that will come out in the game?
The developers did state to just play the game which may either be a soft yes or a hard no. No matter, we're still excited to try the game, and we just have to see for ourselves. (Shiny Pokemon Sleep Hunt, anyone?)

As interesting as the game is, we definitely would like to get a good first-hand experience on how the game works and if people without the Pokemon GO Plus + will still be able to maximize the game just like Pokemon GO. We still wonder which Pokemon will appear in the game because as far as we know there are the likes of Snorlax, Pikachu, Squirtle, Slowbro, Ratata, Totodile, and Caterpie but will our other favorite Pokemon come out and help with raising Snorlax and the research? Pokemon Sleep is already available for download. The game may look like it's geared towards children based on the art style but we can't help discount the fact that it's made for older adults since it involves the most leisurely adult thing that can be done – And that is to sleep. No matter the age (or the number of sleep hours), this game is set to introduce new Pokemon mechanics to all the Trainers and Pokemon fans out there. Will you be sleeping in all day? Or will you be trying to stack the hours and get the best Sleep Consistency record among your peers?

For more on the latest updates, news, and events on anything and everything Pokemon, make sure that you check in from time to time here on ClutchPoints Gaming! We've got the latest scoop in Pokemon news like this much-awaited Pokemon Sleep that lets you enjoy the most adult thing ever – Which is really, to sleep.

Best of luck, Trainers!