SAG-AFTRA's chief negotiator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland told Deadline that talks between the actors' union and the studios have been productive.

He added that he remains “cautiously optimistic about making progress.” However, he warned that while this may be a positive update, both parties aren't “dotting Is and crossing Ts” yet.

The use of artificial intelligence or AI is currently the focus of negotiations.

The outlet spoke to Crabtree-Ireland outside Netflix where SAG-AFTRA members donned professional attire to picket and show that they mean business.

“We worked all weekend, working with the company reps to try and move the ball forward. I remain cautiously optimistic about making progress. We are not there yet. So, any rumors that have been floating around that deal was imminent… we have real substantive issues still between us, but we are working to make progress. We’re going to be continuing this week as it takes until it’s done. But those issues are important and so there is no agreement until we reach that point,” he said.

He added that the discussions have been “intense, but in a productive direction.”

When he was asked about the revenue sharing proposal, Crabtree-Ireland turned to a different topic: AI.

“I will say that AI is really important in this negotiation, it has been since day one. That is an area that we are particularly focused on right now. Because without bridging some key gaps in AI, we won’t be able to reach a deal. That is an important area we’re focused on,” he said.

SAG-AFTRA president Fran Drescher called for union members to “flood the picket lines” today, Oct. 30, and “Make your voices heard,” in a written statement to the actors.