New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees has made millions of dollars over the course of his incredibly successful career. And apparently, he has decided to spend up to $15 million of his hard-earned money in an assortment of jewelry.

But as TMZ reports, Brees is having some “cash flow problems” and is now suing Vahid Moraldi, owner of the CJ Charles jewelry shop in San Diego where he bought his expensive “investments.” The Saints QB claims that his collection was actually worth $9 million less than what he paid for upon independent appraisal.

One particular piece – a 4.09 carat blue diamond ring which set Brees back $8.18 million in 2015 – was appraised for just $3.75 million.

However, Moraldi’s lawyer, Eric M. George, has hit back at Brees and says it’s the Saints QB’s own fault for finding himself in this predicament.

“Drew Brees aggressively purchased multi-million dollar pieces of jewelry. Years later, claiming to suffer ‘cash flow problems,’ he tried to bully my client into undoing the transactions. Mr. Brees’s behavior and his belief that he was wronged because the jewelry did not appreciate in value as quickly as he hoped both demonstrate a lack of integrity and contradict basic principles of both economics and the law.”

It would certainly be a tough pill to swallow if the court rules against Brees. While he’s a millionaire multiple times over, it would still sting to learn that he's actually $9 million less wealthy than he thought you was. Either way, it’ll be up to the court to decide if there was anything illegal which took place.