Sandra Bullock, the acclaimed actress who portrayed Leigh Anne Tuohy in the 2009 film “The Blind Side,” has expressed her deep sadness upon learning about the disturbing allegations brought forward by former NFL star Michael Oher, the inspiration behind the movie. Oher's claims have cast a shadow over the narrative that the film presented, according to the New York Post.

Based on Michael Lewis' book “The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game,” the movie tells the story of Oher's journey from a troubled background to becoming a football sensation under the guidance of the seemingly benevolent Tuohy family. Bullock's portrayal of Leigh Anne earned her an Oscar for the role.

Oher, now 37, recently asserted in court documents that Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy never legally adopted him, despite profiting from his athletic success. This revelation has prompted a reevaluation of the film's narrative.

A source close to Bullock revealed her distress over the situation, sharing her devastation to see a chapter of her life, which she believed to be special, now cast in a different light. The source emphasized that there was genuine effort in creating the film, and the emerging doubts have deeply upset Bullock. The actress is said to worry that people's perceptions of the film will change, altering its original intent.

Unfortunately, this isn't the only source of heartache in Bullock's life. Her long-time partner, Bryan Randall, recently passed away at the age of 57 after battling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neurodegenerative disease. Despite the emotional challenges she's facing, the source noted that Bullock remains resilient, maintaining a strong facade amidst the turbulence of recent events involving both Oher's lawsuit and her personal loss.