Genshin Impact’s version 2.3 has arrived, and has graced us with our first ever double 5-star character banner, which are also reruns of previous existing characters. Albedo and Eula appear again in their own separate banners, and coming along with them are two 5-star weapons suited for them. The Song of Broken Pines, which is Eula’s signature weapon, and the Freedom-Sworn, which should actually be Kazuha’s signature weapon, are appearing in the first weapon banner of version 2.3.

In this article, we will be discussing if it’s worth it to pull on this weapon banner, or rather save for future banners along the way. 

Why You Should Pull on the Weapon Banner

Let’s first talk about the Freedom-Sworn. It’s Kazuha’s best weapon, so it’s recommended if your Kazuha still doesn’t have one. But in regards to Albedo, his best weapon is actually the free 4-star weapon, the Cinnabar Spindle, which can be obtained from the current event. The Freedom-Sworn isn’t even close–the Cinnabar Spindle boosts Albedo’s damage by so much, by up to 100% more. Outside of the two, there’s not really a lot of sword characters who can make good use of the Freedom-Sworn, maybe except for Jean. 

The Song of Broken Pines is quite a niche weapon, but is very powerful for two specific characters, namely Eula and Razor. The weapon provides the highest base ATK of any weapon in the game, though it only gives a measly 20.7% Physical DMG Bonus from its substat. Its passive is quite good, providing a good amount of ATK and Attack Speed, which Eula really wants. If you’re looking for an amazing weapon for Eula or Razor, this weapon is perfect for it. 

The 4-star weapons in the banner are also great options if you’re not really looking to pull for 5-star weapons. Dragon’s Bane is amazing for Hu Tao, while Sacrificial Greatsword is great for Beidou and Chongyun. Lion’s Roar is a niche one, but it’s great for Xingqiu in a Raiden National team. The other two, Alley Hunter and Wine and Song, are decent options if you don’t have a lot of weapons, and they will serve you well outside of hardcore content. 

Why You Should Skip the Weapon Banner

The two 5-star weapons are great for their respective niches, but aren’t so good for general purpose. For the claymore, the Wolf’s Gravestone is a lot more useful for other ATK-scaling characters like Diluc, while the Serpent Spine is an amazing weapon for almost any claymore user, including the upcoming Arataki Itto. At high refine levels, the Serpent Spine can even outperform 5-star claymores, albeit requiring months of Battle Passes to obtain. 

The Freedom-Sworn is a weapon that’s really only useful on Kazuha or Jean. Outside of the two, the Sacrificial Sword is simply better for most supports, while the Aquila Favonia is best for Bennett’s ATK-boosting Elemental Burst.