Pittsburgh Steelers star RB Najee Harris is still fed up with last week's running back saga, and sounded off on Saquon Barkley's new deal with the Giants, labeling it unfair.

Barkley signed a one-year contract with New York on Monday, after failing to come to a long-term deal at last week's franchise tag deadline. Harris put it into perspective amid the major online backlash by many top athletes, according to ESPN's Brooke Pryor.

“Saquon accumulated for almost 30% of the offense,” said Harris, “Why can't you look at that and say, ‘OK, well he said he's not trying to break the market or set the market, but he's trying to get compensated of what he thinks is fair.”

He went on to tear into the unfair situation, while other positions get massive long-term deals and heavy paydays, the backs are stuck with lackluster setups with no security in the event of injury.

“That ain't fair what he's getting… he wanted a long contract to know his security there. Right now, he doesn't have no security,” Harris continued.

The running back position has been under fire in recent years due to the injury prone nature of a ball carrier. Teams have begun paying top stars less, or refusing to extend them on multi-year deals while running them into the ground.

“You guys are using us to accomplish what you guys want. And then when it's time for us to re-up or ask for something that we think is right, you guys just turn the cheek and say, ‘Well, you have wear and tear,'” the Steelers star finished.

Harris laid it out in black and white to end his comments, saying that he and the other backs feel abused by the system, used as workhorses and then casting them to the curb after they are old and injured. Several RB's met on Zoom over the weekend to discuss the lack of respect in their contracts, and will hope to continue to make progress in their battle.