Google's hope for a Stadia port of the famous subterranean sandbox game, Terraria, just went up in smoke. Andrew Spinks, Terraria co-creator, expressed his disbelief and dissatisfaction with the big search-engine giant. Spinks lost access to all of his Google accounts across a wide array of services. Ultimately, Spinks responded to the situation with a final tone. Terraria will not launch on any Google platform in the future.


Terraria Demolished

Andrew Spinks took to his personal Twitter account to share his experience with the world. He lost access to Google Play, Google Drive, YouTube, and Gmail. His attempts at recovering his email lasted over three weeks but were unfruitful. Google did little to resolve the issue.

The spurned Terraria co-creator lamented the loss of data due to the Google ban. Among the data lost allegedly includes thousands of dollars worth of apps on Google Play. Additionally, the developer lost all of his files on his online drive and his YouTube channel. Spinks mostly lamented the loss of his personal email account which he used for 15 years. Google users would mostly have no choice except to move on but Spinks had one final bullet in the chamber.

“I will not be involved with a corporation that values their customers and partners so little. Doing business with you is a liability.”

Google's actions directly caused the disappearance of one promising title for their ailing game platform. Additionally, Spinks' entire experienced effectively eliminated any possible appearance of a game from his studio to appear on any Google platform. The entire lockout saga apparently began in late January when the official Terraria YouTube channel was disabled.

A Massive Misstep

Last week, we reported that Google Stadia shut down its internal game development studios. Google supposedly shifted focus away from developing first-party games in lieu of improving their platform. At the time, fans saw this decision as a great move towards improving the game streaming medium. Unfortunately, the company's recent actions put all of their efforts in poor light.

Naturally, Google needs good relationships with established game developers to give the Stadia a fighting chance. Losing Terraria at such a crucial time sends a clear warning for fans wanting to pick up a Stadia. Additionally, the mess Google created has definitely sent a warning for all game developers that were looking to partner up with Google.

Google made no comments regarding the entire Terraria debacle as of posting.