For as long as anyone can remember, Tom Cruise has always been the face of the Mission Impossible franchise. Ever since the first film premiered in 1996, Cruise's Ethan Hunt has always been saving the world from all kinds of danger. While the first Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One trailer plays along the same lines, the ominous tone and larger-than-life-action sequences promise to give movie fans something truly special.

In just two minutes, fans are treated to a massive amount of action and thriller packed inside this Mission Impossible trailer. The first look at Dead Reckoning Part One starts with a big comeback, that of Henry Czerny's Eugene Kittridge from the first film. As the trailer starts, the original IMF director ominously says that this is their chance to control the truth, the concepts of right and wrong for everyone for centuries to come.

“You're fighting to save an ideal that doesn't exist. Never did. You need to pick a side,” Kittridge says to Cruise's Ethan Hunt.

Along with that heavy foreboding into the plot of Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One, the trailer ramps up the action by showcasing intense scenes with Hunt's crew in it – Benji (Simon Pegg), Luther (Ving Rhames), and Ilsa Faust (Rebecca Ferguson). Joining them are Vanessa Kirby's White Widow, and Hayley Atwell's Grace. The latter, it seems, will share a lot of screen-time with Cruise while there are few details about the Captain America actress' role in this Mission Impossible film.

As the trailer passes its halfway mark, the scenes get more intense as it leads to a motorcycle dropping from a cliff with Cruise on it. At this point, the movie's title card flashes and confirms that it is, indeed, the first of two parts.

When taking the film's ominous tone, the return of several key characters from the franchise, not to mention Tom Cruise's getting older as his net worth expands, there seems to be a good reason that Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part One will eventually lead to an end. It remains to be seen how this potential scenario can happen and how it can lead to the second installment. What's certain at this time is that this is one action film that promises to reward fans for sticking with the franchise for years.