After several months of League of Legends leaks, Vex The Gloomist has finally been formally revealed as an incoming Champion. The trailer was also actually leaked when the Brazilian Riot Games account posted the video too early. This prompted the rest of Riot's official League of Legends channels to also release the trailer. You may view it below.

WATCH: Vex Champion Trailer for League of Legends

To contrast with Vex's gloomy personality, she was shown alongside some of League of Legends most cheerful Champions, like Lux, Zoe, and Fizz. In the trailer, she is shown blasting Zoe with a projectile that phases through her. Later on, she finds herself in the jungle with Fizz, where she places a mark upon him and then pulls him towards her. Once he is pulled in, he is immediately feared and then killed.

Next up in the League of Legends Champion Trailer, Vex is shown in a team fight. Here, she fires off multiple charged area-of-effect skills. These instill fear into enemies that are hit. Finally, the trailer gives us a glimpse into her ultimate. The clip shows her enemy's team taking dragon, but Vex suddenly fires her shadow to hit Teemo. Then, she blinks to his position and kills him. Afterward, she fires her shadow at two more enemies and blinks towards them. This includes Tristana who tries to jump over the wall but is still blinked to and killed.

Meanwhile, at the very end of the trailer after the title card, we are shown a possible skin for Vex. It shows her in a completely different color scheme.