Vici Gaming announced their new roster heading into the DPC 2021-2022 season, with new talents built around their carry Poyoyo.

Vici Gaming's new roster will retain Yang “Poyoyo” Shaohan, the team's carry, with the addition of Guo “Xm” Hongcheng, Li “Irving” Jian, Zhao “Yds” Jiayi, and the newly-minted captain Chen “起风了” Guanhong.

The contracts of the former Vici Gaming players have expired, Vici Gaming announced, and the players have left the team as free agents. Hence, Vici Gaming's stalwart player old eLeVeN has left the team for the second time in his career. Ori, Pyw, and Dy have also left the team.

The team's 5th-6th placing in The International clearly isn't enough for the players and for the organization, hence the massive change in the roster. Vici's new players came from different teams. 起风了 and Yds came together from CDEC, while Irving came in from LBZS and Xm came from EHOME. The new team's chemistry will be tested as the start of the DPC 2021-2022 season begins soon. Many fans will keep a close eye on this team, as most of its members remain untested in the highest forms of competition in Dota 2. It'll be interesting to see if this team turns out to be a hidden dragon, but they'll first have to show their strength in the upcoming months.