Star Wars: Andor fans are in for a treat.

Star Diego Luna, who plays the titular Cassian Andor, said this weekend at the ACE Superhero Comic Con 2024 that we may be seeing familiar faces from Rogue One in the upcoming second season, The Playlist reported.

He said, “I can tell you, ‘Rogue One’ is coming, so there will be character there that you will recognize. There will be cool stuff. For those who love ‘Rogue One,’ this season is going to be very special.”

So who is this special Rogue One character? The Death Star’s Architect, Imperial Director Orson Krennic, played by Ben Mendelsohn. He’s reprising the role for Andor’s second season.

The Playlist exclusive spoke with Mexican filmmaker Alonso Ruizpalacios, who is one of the series’ directors, along with Ariel Kleiman and Janus Metz. The filmmaker was hesitant about spoiling anything Andor related. However, he did make some accidental slip-ups.

All hail the Imperial Director

He told the entertainment website that his experience directing the series was a treat, especially working with acting heavyweights such as “Stellan Skarsgård (Luthen Rael), Forest Whitaker (Saw Gerrera and Ben Mendelsohn.” It seemed Ruizpalacios didn’t realize he had included one name that hadn’t been announced.

Eaelier this year, Mendelsohn said, “As for being contacted by Lucasfilm for a new project, I can tell you that no, I have not been approached for something like this.” At that time, season two of Andor had already been in production.

Ruizpalacios also cagily admitted that he was directing the last three episodes of the 12-episode show. Series creator Tony Gilroy said last year that the end of season two directly leads up to the events of Rogue One. This means that Mendelsohn’s Kreenic will show up towards the end of the season.

He told The Rogue Ones podcast in 2022, “Our final scene of the show is no secret. It’s going to be [Cassian] walking across the tarmac to get in the ship to go to the Rings of Kafrene to go meet Daniel Mays’ character, he’s going there.”

Season two of Star Wars: Andor is said to be wildly different from its predecessor, with the use of time jumps and unfolding events five years in the making in only 12 episodes. Essentially, this follows Cassian from a Rebel Alliance member to Captain in Rogue One. Tony Gilroy wrote the first three episodes, while Beau Willimon wrote episodes four to six, Dan Gilroy episodes seven to nine and Andor newbie Tom Bissel penned 10 to 12.

Which other Rogue One characters can we expect to see in season two? It seems Allan Tudky’s Imperial Droid K-2SO may make an appearance as well. And if we’re just speculating here, Mads Mikkelsen’s Galen Erso and Riz Ahmed’s Bodhi Rook could also show up. It’s highly likely, though, because the last three episodes of Andor were days and hours before Rogue One. We could see what transpired before Erso told Rook that he can “make [things] right; if I was brave enough and listened to what was in my heart.”

This refers to his wanting to defect to the Rebel Alliance and tell them where the Death Star plans are. This would make for great TV, is all I’m saying.

One thing Ruizpalacios wasn’t very sure of was when Star Wars: Andor’s second season would premiere. But he did say it could be early in 2025.